How Stuff Works 可能是最好的 How-to 网 站。它有海量的,各种不同分类的主题,例如:饮食,健康,计算机等等。该站最好的一点就是会把很难懂的一件事用很简单的语言描述。
HowStuffWorks got its start in 1998 at a college professor's kitchen table. From there, we quickly grew into an award-winning source of unbiased, reliable, easy-to-understand answers and explanations of how the world actually works. Today, our writers, editors, podcasters and video hosts share all the things we're most excited to learn about with nearly 30 million visitors to the site each month. Learn more about our authors, and maybe even become one yourself. You can learn more about us in our FAQ.
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